After identifying the inherent difficulties in defining the body, body space, and cultural explanations of body experience, the author traces the evolution of approaches to embodied space including proxemics, phenomenological understandings, spatial orientation, and linguistic. This book demonstrates the value of ethnographic theory and methods in understanding space and place, and considers how ethnographicallybased spatial analyses can yield insight into prejudices, inequalities and social exclusion as well as offering people the means for understanding the places where they live, work, shop and socialize. Rethinking urban parks public space and cultural diversity by. Setha low is professor of anthropology and environmental psychology at the cuny graduate center.
The politics of public space 1st edition setha low neil. Setha low, 2017 setha low is an anthropologist long recognized for her contributions to the study of space and place. Low, setha, and denise lawrencezu iga 2003 edition the anthropology of space and place. A good volume for any anthropologist with an interest in urban space and how the city is formed and operates.
This volume explores the concept of place attachment to 1 illustrate its multidisciplinary foundations, 2 identify its various aspects, 3 highlight its potential importance in research and environmental design, and 4 lay the foundation for a conceptual framework to guide future research. Peterson 2010 and to the subfield of the anthropology of space and place more generally low 2016. After identifying the inherent difficulties in defining the body, body space, and cultural explanations of body experience, the author traces the evolution of approaches to embodied space including proxemics, phenomenological. Highlights include caldiera on enclaves, low on the differences between production and construction, and holstons mindblowing analysis of the modern monstrosity that is brasilia and what its soullessness tells us about the importance of how public space is used and organized. Setha low is a former president of the american anthropological association, a professor in environmental psychology, and the director of the public space research group at the city university of new york. What i do find interesting, however, is that she claims that there is no need to really conceptually define the notions of space and place. Low is professor of environmental psychology and anthropology and director of the public space research group at the graduate center, city university of new york.
Sac features articles on novel topics that are not written about. Low centers her study on two plazas in san jose, costa rica, with comparisons to. Towards an anthropological theory of space and place, semiotica, 2009, 175, 2009. Low is currently professor of environmental psychology, geography, anthropology, and womens studies, and director of the public space research group at the graduate center, city university of new york, where she teaches courses and trains ph. Low introduction place attachment is the symbolic relationship formed by people giving culturally shared emotionalaffective meanings to a particular space or piece of land that provides the basis for the individuals and groups understanding of and rela eon to the environment. Setha low and neil smith, as editors and contributors to the politics of public space, create an intriguing and often thoughtprovoking exploration of our ideas of public spaces and public commons. The ethnography of space and place setha low this book demonstrates the value of ethnographic theory and methods in understanding space and place, and considers how ethnographicallybased spatial analyses can yield insight into prejudices, inequalities and social exclusion as well as offering people the means for. Images from this site are taken from the cover of the people, place, and space reader and are cc bync licensed to the editors, jen jack gieseking, william mangold, cindi katz, setha low, and susan saegert. Setha low the erosion of public space and the public. Read behind the gates life, security, and the pursuit of happiness in fortress america by setha low available from rakuten kobo. The ethnography of space and place forthcoming from routledge. Setha low the erosion of public space and the public realm s. Locating culture blackwell readers in anthropology low, setha m.
May 15, 2018 click on the book chapter title to read more. She is also director of the gcs public space research group. In the first chapter, i will discuss the topic of space and place following low 2009 and guptaferguson 1992 who argue that space isnt just a physical, but also a sociocultural construct and. This volume grew out of a conference held at the cuny graduate center. Setha low is writing and lecturing about gated communities, editing a volume entitled cultural spaces for blackwell publishers with denise lawrence, and completing a book on creating cultural spaces for the university of texas press. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Setha low of cuny graduate center, new york cuny read 115 publications contact setha low. May 25, 2012 no doubt, setha low is one of the leading scholars in the anthropology of space and place. In step with the growing interest in place attachment, this volume examines the phenomena from the perspective of several disciplinesincluding anthropology, folklore, and psychology and points towards promising directions of future research. The politics of public space isbn 97804159588 pdf epub. Their context, they explain up front, is the broad decay of twentiethcentury american liberalism which has led to a restructuring of what.
For those who have read her works, not much new is being revealed here. This cited by count includes citations to the following articles in scholar. Merry spatial governmentality and the new urban social order. Pdf anthropological studies of space and place recognize that landscape, space. She is the author or editor of numerous books, including theorizing the city 1999, on the plaza 2000, place attachment 1992, housing, culture and society 1989, cultural spaces 2001 and behind the gates routledge, 2003. Place attachment is the symbolic relationship formed by people giving culturally shared emotionalaffective meanings to a particular space or piece of land that provides the basis for the individuals and groups understanding of and relation to the environment. Low explores the interplay of space and culture in the plaza, showing how culture acts to shape public spaces and how the physical form of the plaza encodes the.
The people, place, and space reader brings together the writings of scholars, designers, and activists from a variety of fields to make sense of the makings and meanings of the world we inhabit. In 1990 setha low, with the help of dana taplin and suzanne scheld, founded the public space research group psrg within the center for human environments at the graduate school and university center of the city university of new york to address these issues. The greatest differences were found in discussions of safety, in that gated residents have developed an elaborate discourse of the fear of crime and others to explain why they moved to secured. In this article i explore how an integrated approach to the anthropological study of urban space would work ethnographically. Behind the gates is setha low s revealing account of what life is like inside these suburban fortresses. Prof, phd program in psychology anthropology of space and place, medical anthropology, urban anthropology, historic preservation, landscapes of fear, securityinsecurity, and gating. Toward an anthropological theory of space and place. The ethnography of space and place 1 by setha low isbn. In developing the concept of spatializing culture, setha low draws on over. The politics of public space i edited by setha low and neil smith. The routledge handbook of anthropology and the city. The people, place, and space reader edited by jen jack. This book demonstrates the value of ethnographic theory and methods in understanding space and place, and considers how ethnographicallybased spatial analyses can yield insight into prejudices, inequalities and social exclusion as well as offering people the means for understanding the places.
Low also served as a conservation guest scholar at the getty conservation institute. Locating culture is an unprecedented collection of key anthropological articles that illustrate how the conceptual and material dimensions of space are central to the production of social life. Embodied space is the location where human experience and consciousness takes on material and spatial form. Without these significant central public spaces, individuals cannot directly participate in conflict resolution. Download product flyer is to download pdf in new tab.
Setha low, the graduate center, cuny why public space. Through longterm research and collaborative projects i have found that spatializing. If, for example, suburbanites are consumed by mortal fear of some place called the inner city and therefore avoid it like the plague, then not only do they fail ever to situate themselves in that space but in. Setha low spatializing culture the ethnography of space and place. This kind of cultural place attachment altman and low 1992. Spatial inequality and social exclusion american anthropologist vol. I discuss four areas of spatialcultural analysishistorical emergence, sociopolitical and economic structuring, patterns of social use, and experiential meaningsas a means of working out of the methodological implications of broader social construction theoretical. Controlling gender violence through law karin aguilarsan juan staying vietnamese. This overview draws substantially from previous writings cowritten with setha low. Setha low is professor of environmental psychology and anthropology and director of the public space research group at the graduate center of the city university of new york. Toward an anthropological theory of space and place request pdf. This book demonstrates the value of ethnographic theory and methods in understanding space and place, and considers how ethnographicallybased spatial analyses can yield insight into prejudices. The politics of public space and culture 2000, and theorizing the city edited, 1999. Friendly gossip, political rallies, outdoor concerts, drugs, shoeshines, and sexforsalealmost every aspect of latin american life has its place and time in the public plaza.
A reader jen jack gieseking, william mangold, cindi katz, setha low, susan saegert eds. Locating culture blackwell readers in anthropology setha m. After years researching and interviewing families in long island, new york and san antonio, texas, low provides an inside view of gated communities to help explain why people flee to these enclaves. This article examines the relationship of public space and the public sphere as a starting point for tracing the dialogic nature of neil smiths and my thinking reflected in the introduction of the politics of public space smith and low 2006 to our disagreements over ethnography and political ideology. Some people are responding to this loss by choosing to buy into a defensive space, a walled and guarded community that they can call home. Setha m low friendly gossip, political rallies, outdoor concerts, drugs, shoeshines, and sexforsalealmost every aspect of latin american life has its place and time in the public plaza. Low explores the interplay of space and culture in the plaza, showing how culture acts to shape public spaces and how the physical form of the plaza encodes the social and economic relations within its city. Rethinking urban parks public space and cultural diversity. Setha low distinguished lectures 108th annual meeting of the american anthropological association, philadelphia, pennsylvania, december 26, 2009 claiming space for an engaged anthropology. This book demonstrates the value of ethnographic theory and methods in understanding space and place, and considers how ethnographicallybased spatial analyses can yield insight into prejudices, inequalities and social exclusion as well as offering people the means for understanding. Setha low spatializing culture the ethnography of space. Locating culture blackwell readers in anthropology. Jul 05, 2010 in this wideranging, multidisciplinary study, setha m. Space and place anthropology oxford bibliographies.
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